Industry News: AI Revolutionizing the Beauty Industry: Current Applications, Future Trends, and Challenges

Industry News: AI Revolutionizing the Beauty Industry: Current Applications, Future Trends, and Challenges

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human brain. It marks the fourth milestone in the history of human technology revolution. AI will largely replace repetitive mental labor, further liberating human productivity and creativity. The widespread application of intelligent robots will enhance production efficiency and broaden people's ways of living and leisure.

AI is not only playing an important role in various industries but also triggering an innovative wave in the beauty and cosmetics field. This article explores the current applications of AI in the cosmetics industry, its future trends, and the challenges and reflections it brings.

Part 1: The Current Applications of AI in the Cosmetics Industry

Research and Development Innovation

Raw materials are the foundation of beauty and cosmetic products, and selecting the right ones is the first step in research and development. However, the market is filled with a wide variety of raw materials, each with different ingredients, effects, safety profiles, and characteristics. Choosing the most suitable active ingredients that meet the desired efficacy requirements from this vast array of raw materials is a significant challenge.

AI-driven Material Selection: AI technology rapidly and systematically screens candidate active ingredients that meet the target efficacy requirements using virtual screening and knowledge graphs. It identifies potential active components, discovers new molecular structures for materials, and facilitates the development of exclusive new raw materials for brands.

For example, Mary Kay collaborated with Yuanxing Zhiyao to use bioinformatics and AI to analyze anti-aging active ingredients (AKG) in cosmetics, resulting in the creation of anti-skin aging products. This research was presented at the 2023 IFSCC Congress.

Precision Formulation Development: AI provides precise recommendations for formulation development by analyzing consumer emotions, preferences, and skin types. It ensures formulations meet diverse and personalized consumer needs.

For instance, IBM and Symrise's Philyra system analyzes aroma databases to create perfumes that match target customer preferences. The system designed two new perfumes for O Boticário based on AI analysis, resulting in unique fragrance experiences.

Intelligent Manufacturing in Production Processes

Cosmetics production involves complex processes like raw material procurement, mixing, and packaging. AI improves efficiency and quality control.

Smart Production Lines: Unilever's "One Platform" uses AGVs and sensors for material replenishment, changing traditional manual processes. AGVs deliver materials accurately to production lines, maximizing lights-out production.

Consumer Experience Innovation

Personalized Recommendations: AI analyzes skin for personalized product recommendations. Xiu Lico's stores, for example, use AI for skin testing and offer personalized skincare solutions.

Virtual Try-On and Interactive Experiences: AI and AR enable virtual try-on experiences without physical products. DIOR's try-on app and OPTE AI's concealing technology enhance interactive shopping experiences.

Part 2: The Future Trend of AI in the Cosmetics Industry

Intelligent and Personalized Beauty Experiences: Skincare brand SK-II's Future X SMART STORE showcases robot beauty advisors, using advanced technologies for personalized experiences.

AI-Powered Skincare: Beauty robots will provide customized care recommendations and directly participate in skincare routines.

Biomimetic Electronic Skin: New technology mimics human skin functions, providing precise product testing data.

Brain-Machine Interface (BMI): BMI understands consumer emotions and preferences for personalized product recommendations.

Part 3: Challenges and Reflections

While AI brings opportunities, it also raises challenges. Privacy protection with AI's use of personal data is crucial. Transparency and bias in AI decision-making must be addressed.


AI technology will revolutionize the beauty industry, from improving research and development to enhancing production and consumer experiences. It will create more value and impact, making the beauty industry more intelligent and exciting.